Couple Builds Amazing Off-Grid Mobile Home With 2 Containers

Click Here To Join Our Telegram Channel for FREE daily tutorials! Here’s an interesting video from Kirsten Dirksen showing a 100% off-grid home made from two shipping containers. The home is on top of a mountain in the Australia. This container home is entirely off the grid, with no municipal …

Building A Medieval House: 10 Day Bushcraft Shelter Build

In this inspiring and calming video from TA Outdoors, we see a medieval-style bushcraft house built using hand held tools, drawing inspiration from an anglo saxon “pit house”. The traditional “pit house” was partly submerged and this technique kept temperatures more constant throughout the year. It also meant less building …

How To Build The Ultimate Bug Out Vehicle

This excellent video from TinHatRanch is a superb introduction to the concept of building your own “Bug Out vehicle”. This guy knows what he is talking about. The concept behind a bug-out vehicle is that it is a vehicle that can enable you and your family to “get out of …

Grandfather. Full Documentary

One of my all-time favorite documentaries. In under an hour, this magically crafted video by Northmen captures the essence of an entirely traditional country way of life through the four seasons. It’s amazing to learn that there are people who still live in the way their ancestors did, without the …

Building ‘The Forest Cube’: A Tiny 64 Sq ft. House On Stilts!

This video from Modern Self Reliance features a truly tiny house – measuring just 64 sq ft – which is 8 foot by 8 foot. This is not the main home; it’s a “guest suite” on stilts and there’s an amusing reference to getting guests that snore out of the …

10 Surprising Survival Uses For Safety Pins

10 Surprising Survival Uses For Safety Pins – Graphic © Background image: Pixabay (PD) An American inventor named Walter Hunt was granted a U.S. patent in 1849 for his revolutionary safety pin, which was made from a single piece of wire. Since then, safety pins became a staple in …

9 Survival Gardening Crops To Grow In A Post Apocalyptic World

In this video, the popular Epic Gardening channel introduces us to the fun topic of growing crops in a post-apocalyptic world. This is based on experience – our presenter took the challenge of surviving entirely for 30 days on food that he either foraged, fished or grew himself! Here are …

10 Survival Gadgets You Need To Have

Here’s Wranglerstar with a video showing us a bug-out bag containing 10 practical survival “gadgets”. To be honest, I was expecting something a bit more ‘James Bond’ after reading the word ‘gadget’. I would not call many of these “gadgets” – however these are super useful items (and there are …

50 Years Off-Grid Architect-Maker Paradise Amid NorCal Redwoods

This is a truly inspirational video from Kirsten Dirksen of a “dream” off grid lifestyle. If ever there was someone in the world who seems happy with his life, this is the man! And why wouldn’t he be? – he lives in a beautiful home-built house in a clearing in …

13+ Survival Gardening Crops To Grow To Live Off Your Garden

This video is packed with useful information on survival gardening. Presenter Rob Greenfield will inspire you to take on growing your own foods. Not only is he growing a lot of good quality foods at home, he has “walked his talk” by feeding himself 100% for a whole year from …