★ Top 5 Assets For Survivalists ★

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None of the content on this website is financial advice or a substitute for such, please do your own research.

This is my ultimate wealth strategy tutorial for survivalists.

I’m not trying to sell you anything here. These 5 assets in my view form a solid, practical basis for weathering the storm, protecting your family and giving the best chance of living well in the coming times. These 5 also “dovetail” into each other and interlock to give you a complete system that is as future-proof as possible.

NOTE: I put this tutorial together fast, in one sitting – because I wanted to get this info out there asap. I do believe that time is very much of the essence right now. In times of survival, every second counts and you know deep down that this is the truth. I will keep adding to and improving this page over time, but let’s go.

First Things First: What Is A Survivalist?

A survivalist is a person who has a strong focus on staying alive (and even thriving), especially during the most challenging of times.

The survivalist’s motto is: “Fail To Prepare = Prepare To Fail” – which is why we always say “The time to start preparing is right now!”

Financial Preparedness

Financial preparedness is one of my 22 Pillars Of Survival And Resilience. Being financially prepared gives you options, resourcefulness and the ability to make strong moves when stuff goes down.

And the key to financial preparedness is…. assets.

It’s not terribly fashionable to say it, because many people’s idea of survivalism is learning how to make a camp fire without matches. That is of course valuable knowledge – but in the bigger picture, survivalism means staying alive no matter what happens and being able to take care of your loved ones even in the most challenging of times.

Ok, here (in no particular order) are my top 5 assets for survivalists.

★ 1. Gold

Historically, gold has provided the perfect hedge against inflation and money printing.

If you think cash = wealth, take a look at this chart. This is the purchasing power of the dollar over time:

Purchasing Power of the U.S. Dollar Over Time

Having a certain amount of cash is useful, but for long term wealth storage, you can see that having a “cash stash” is absolutely not the way forward.

Now look at this chart of Gold vs. the Dollar since 1972:

(Source: https://www.gold.org/goldhub/data/gold-prices)

Gold has been called the “perfect asset”. Divisible, reliable, transportable, easily traded, accepted worldwide, very difficult to destroy by accident, extremely hard to fake (notice how most money fraud is banknote fraud!), doesn’t rot, burn or corrode. “Good as gold” is a saying that has lasted for millennia for a reason!

One of the things holding people back from buying gold is they think “Sounds nice, but it’s too expensive. It’s just for rich people.” A better way to view this is that it has high (and growing) purchasing power in terms of the amount of dollars it can be exchanged for. Your dollar (or any fiat currency) is literally becoming less valuable year after year! It’s dollars that are extremely expensive to own, actually!

Buying Gold: You can buy small amounts of gold and just start – for example grams or even fractions of a gram, which are typically kept in sealed cases to protect against fraud. Its highly advised to only buy from an authorized bullion dealer. To get a good price, make some comparisons: Understand the spot price (typically given in price per gram or price per Troy ounce) and know that the dealer will charge a premium above that.

★ 2. Land

Land, particularly productive land with healthy soil and an unpolluted water supply, is an amazing survival asset that retains its value at all times. Its advantage for survivalists is obvious: You can produce your own food, harvest your own fuel, collect your own water, create your own shelter and create a survival store. Land is also an asset that protects you against inflation: No matter what the dollar or the stock market are doing, land is land – and you can still eat. If you have nothing else but still have a piece of good land… you are in better shape than most!

Land also protects you against time. Buy land in a well-chosen location now, and there’s a very good chance that in 10,20 or 100 years it will still be there. Put in some care and love and you now have a homestead that not only rewards you with nourishing, health-sustaining food, but which you can hand on to your family, and they to theirs.

The first step is to figure out where in the world you are legally allowed to own land. For example, land in the USA can legally be purchased by people from various nations. I’m not here to voice my opinions on this, but it is a fact. There are some other nations where you cannot buy land legally as it is reserved for citizens of that country.

Then learn about what you are legally allowed to do on your land in those locations. Some countries make it way harder than others to build your own home on your own property! Crazy but very true. Learn the laws carefully. Also consider factors such as climate, altitude and even geological factors such as tectonic plate activity.

So now imagine, a few years in the future: You put aside a “land fund” (perhaps in gold or bitcoin) from your savings, you added to it gradually, and managed to buy small parcels of land in 2 or 3 locations that were geographically separated from each other.

Can you see what an amazing survival asset this is? If the absolute worst happens in the country you are in, you have a place you can exit to.

You also have a place you might be able to travel to and hop from place to place with the seasons. Combine that with a way to make money from your laptop and you are in a strong position.

Learn everything you can about the land before you buy: Before purchasing any land, get a soil test and a water test to check for pollutants. Learn also as much as you can about the history of the property, for example researching previous owners as far back as you can, looking at as many old maps from different times as you can get your hands on, and talking to local people, especially older people who have a long memory of who might have done what on the property in previous decades.

Final note on land (important): The “powers that be” are currently trying to buy up as much of the productive land as they can. I’m not making this up:

This is in my view a dark, monopolistic and possibly even dystopian move. In the UK we are even seeing the old exemption from inheritance tax for family farms being removed, which basically amounts to a forced selloff. Bad stuff. There isn’t a single voter that actually wants this to happen, is there? What has this got to do with representing your constituents? Nothing. They want it all, literally all of it, they want to control the food supply and will no doubt unleash robot farming (they are tech bros, not farmers!) It’s super important to understand their motives here and it’s not good. Time is of the essence with buying land in my view and I do think there will soon come a time when there will be some kind of a battle for land ownership, together with inflating prices. They know just how valuable it is and they always look to what’s coming – so we need to move in anticipation of that.

Interesting Websites To Check Out for Land Purchases:

LandWatch – over 600,000 land parcels for sale in the USA.
Idealista.com (Spain)
Idealista.it (Italy)
Global Listings – Land – over 200,000 properties for sale worldwide.
Landhub – International Land For Sale
Zillow (USA & Canada) – use the selection “Home Type” and choose land only.

★ 3. Bitcoin

“If you can somehow get hold of 21 bitcoin within the next year you will be in the 1% for the rest of your life.” – Tristan Tate, 23rd Nov 2024.

There’s so much happening in this space right now that I could fill a book explaining it all. In short, it looks as though there is a monumental tsunami approaching, and that tsunami is the global adoption of bitcoin as a major asset – with not only investors but major financial institutions and nation states coming to the table. This is literally unfolding right now and it is widely anticipated that 2025 will be THE year for bitcoin.

Here’s a great video explaining this:

There are a LOT of BS’ers in the crypto space, but I think this guy is solid and that his intel is good.

One thing that puts people off about Bitcoin at its current price is that it “seems expensive” but as mentioned, this is an indicator not just of the cost of bitcoin but of its purchasing power. We are also now seeing massive strides in global acceptance of bitcoin payments. For example you can now obtain a bitcoin debit card which functions just like a regular debit card.

Other Cryptocurrencies: Think of Bitcoin as your basic “vault” for cryptocurrency storage, however for transactions there are other cryptos that have lower fees, for example TON (the crypto of the Telegram ecosystem) which has a typical fee of 0.1 TON (around 50c) for transfers and they are superfast, taking around 1 minute. There are numerous TON wallets – one of the most highly regarded is TonKeeper. There is a bit of a learning curve here but this does have amazing survival potential, so learn up. Learning how crypto works is probably one of the more important survival skills you can have right now!

Think deeply about this: With cryptocurrencies, you have the ability to send funds to family members easily and rapidly, which creates a strong possibility for a “Survival Network” of your loved ones where you can help each other in emergencies.

Let’s say you get a Telegram message from your brother. He is stuck somewhere, needing some emergency funds fast. He has a TON wallet and a crypto debit card. You could send him some TON within the telegram app within a few seconds of him messaging you and he has funds in a couple of minutes. You could even rehearse this exact play with your survival network. Make sure you have each other’s crypto wallet addresses stored on your devices so that it’s literally just a few clicks and boom, they can buy gas or food or whatever, wherever.

But What If There Is A Global Meltdown / Bank Crash / EMFs / nuclear war / hackers / massive cyber attack etc?

Very important question and I hope you were already asking this – because as a survivalist you absolutely should be unafraid to ask the difficult questions and expect to get some damn good answers!

Interestingly, it really does look like Bitcoin might be the perfect antidote to this. I know, it sounds bizarre but stay with me. In the most simple terms I can put it, bitcoin’s ledger – the transaction record – is distributed worldwide and held on countless computers, each of which has a checksum that needs to tally with the checksum on the rest of the computers in order to be valid. If one or even many of those computers goes down or gets hacked, bitcoin itself doesn’t. So far in its history, bitcoin has shown itself to be unhackable. Even when exchanges or carelessly-held wallets were hacked, bitoin has held good.

Bitcoin Has Been Called “The People’s Asset”: Another super interesting thing about bitcoin is that right from the beginning, it’s been smaller players that got in first. The big banks, wealth funds and nation states are late to the party. You’re still ahead of the curve – just. As mentioned, none of this is financial advice and we live in crazy times where anything could happen – but I personally am of the view that we might be on the cusp of the greatest boom in Bitcoin that we have ever or will ever see. Right now. And I am by no means the only person who thinks this way.

The banks tried to derail it with their “Central Bank Digital Currencies” but it looks like that failed (thank God, in my view!) and now they are switching sides. All triggered by the USA public voting for Trump, who stated that he intended to support Bitcoin and the ‘crypto’ landscape in general.

You Don’t Need A Huge Amount: You could literally purchase a few dollars’ worth per day and just keep adding to it. Historically, Bitcoin has outperformed every single asset ever (fact) and is predicted to continue to do so. I’m not a financial advisor, but I do think that not having some is a greater risk than having some.

Where Should Bitcoin Be Stored? What About Bitcoin Wallets? Are They Safe?

Bitcoin Wallets: One thing you need to understand about Bitcoin is that leaving it “on the exchange”, which is permanently connected to the internet, is a security risk. On several occasions in history, Crypto exchanges have been hacked.

There are also numerous “wallet apps” and while these are generally regarded as “fairly safe”, many of them are not unhackable.

The best solution is a hardware crypto wallet, a physical device that you have in your own possession, which is disconnected from the internet except when being used. Hardware wallets are typically secured by “seed phrase keys” which only you know and you keep somewhere ultra safe.

Which Is The Best Bitcoin Wallet?

Let me answer this question with a question: Who knows more about secure, long term storage of wealth than anyone else?

If you answered “The Swiss”, well done.

Swiss banks have been world famous for centuries as the ultimate place to store your wealth. They were privacy focused, secure, politically neutral and reliable. Their financial services are world famous for being meticulous.

The Swiss know a thing or two about wealth storage. Arguably more than anyone else in the world.

Doing some deep research into Bitcoin wallets – I recently discovered this and think it’s amazing. Note, this is NOT an affiliate link: Tangem

This is a self-custodial Bitcoin Wallet created by a Swiss company that is rated as EMF proof, IP69 waterproof (very high rating) and comes with backup copies (so that you can keep one or more in a different location in case of fire etc), while being the size of a credit card.

It’s also much less expensive than a lot of the competing products.

The wallet has a 25 year warranty. It contains a chip that has been validated by two independent security audits and cannot be tampered with, rated as EAL6+. So far these wallets have had ZERO hacks, ever – with over 2 million in use! They are also completely private: You don’t even need to provide KYC in order to own one.

The wallet connects with the app and enables you to store and transact with over 2,000 different cryptos as well as Bitcoin!

This is a next level wealth storage solution in my humble opinion – and super inexpensive compared to other hardware wallets such as Trezor and Ledger, which have actually been found to have vulnerabilities in the past!

★ 4. Audiences

Bet you weren’t expecting to see this here! Wild, huh!?

Let me explain. Audiences completely changed my life and my financial circumstances. Seriously. Audiences represent in my view the best opportunity for the “average person” (there’s no such thing as an average person really, but you know what I mean) to level up and completely change their financial status.

Look at Youtube. A lot of the people with big channels are not big corps, they are individuals who “came up from the streets”. A huge number of these channels are generating 5 figures per month.

Same goes with big Tiktok and Facebook audiences.

You may have heard the statement that we are now in “The attention economy”.

It is an observable fact: With so much business now taking place online, it stands to reason that those who have the strongest online visibility achieve the greatest success. Audiences are a way to harness that visibility and turn it into an ongoing revenue source.

No matter what it is that you create or what services you sell, your visibility is the greatest driver of success.

Let’s just take a simple example. Imagine that you teach piano lessons: If you could notify a billion people of that, you would be inundated with students. You don’t have to be the best in the world at something to survive and thrive!! You just have to be “good enough” and VISIBLE!!!!

Having an engaged following is the real secret of visibility and it’s the reason why “influencers” are not only printing money now but will probably continue to do so for the coming decades – regardless of what Ai is doing!

The other thing to note is that you don’t have to be famous. Like this channel: It’s not about me and I like that, it’s just focused on the topic. You can build an audience without wanting to be a celebrity. Either is fine!

Absolute “nutshell” tutorial on audience building:

The way to turn strangers into followers is to give free value (either education or entertainment). The more value you give for free, the more people will follow you. So essentially, you create free content (like I am doing here), make it valuable (hopefully it is!) and put it in front of people (I will share it with my existing followers and perhaps even advertise it to give it extra push, if it turns out to be a winning piece).

And then repeat. Keep doing this to create a valuable channel. Then when you have an audience of a large number of followers, you have a way to “put things in front of people” on a daily basis. The ads on my pages are paying my bills, and if a piece goes viral, it can sometimes make real money. All by giving stuff away for free, which is pretty cool really!

If you look at social media as an arena that enables you to give free stuff to a large number of people, you are on the right track.

Like many assets, there is an “investment period” where you are just purely giving, giving giving. And the more you give, the more it grows. You have to give value: If you just try to sell stuff, people quickly tune it out. Nobody wants that.

If you think about this, all the big platforms are doing this, not just “solopreneurs”! Google gave away Gmail, search, Google Docs, and all their other stuff completely free and made them so useful that they have billions of users. Now they have not just millions but billions of users. They then sell ad space on their search results and make absolute bank doing it.

Get the audience and profit shall follow…

One of the great things about it is that you can start with pretty much nothing.

One thing you might not know about me: I have been doing audience building for over a decade. Off Grid is just one of my brands. Having built over 4.5 million followers (yes really) across multiple brands over 10 years, I can state confidently…. it works – and you can use an audience as a “flywheel” to grow your other assets, all the while helping others and sharing what you know.

The biggest challenge honestly for most people is what I would call “getting into the mindset of giving a lot away for free”. Because it goes against our instincts: We come from a world in which if you give it all away, you get points for being cool, but you would then have to rely on a world that isn’t as cool as you in order to eat! And we know how that goes.

In the online space, it’s the opposite. The more you give away free and the more awesome it is, the better you do.

You could start doing this. What’s the most value you could give? Could you make tutorials covering all aspects of a topic that a lot of people are interested in? There’s your value and it’s a way to survive.

Rule Of Thumb When Creating Content: Imagine you are creating it for your loved ones – your nearest and dearest friends and family members, the people who matter the most to you. If you would feel happy and proud to share it with them, then you know it’s good. Keep that in mind when you make your content and it will make it shine!

Pro Tip: Social media audiences are still ultimately owned by the platform, in the same way that bank notes are owned by the bank. Social media platforms can and do ban pages, whenever it suits them, it seems. For a truly robust “Off Grid” audience, an email list (or list of phone numbers) is the ultimate, followed by a Telegram audience. There’s no social media platform on earth that can take your email list away from you!

I teach audience building in depth in my courses, coming very very soon! Keep an eye out for those.

★ 5. Deep Supplies

Your deep storage is going to be a valuable asset in years to come.

Think first about the location, then the actual storage construction. This is important. Your supply should be secure, dry, cool, not in direct sunlight, pest-proof (insects, bears, rodents, etc), not prone to flooding, strong, reliable.

It’s also a good idea to have something that can be moved if needed. You also need to think about long term plans and mobility; there’s not much point in having ten years’ supply of something if you are going to have to leave it all behind!

If you already have the land to put it on, I think a shipping container is a good way to go. Robust, secure, strong, lockable and has space for a lot of stuff. You can also add lighting, ventilation systems and whatever else you need as you go.

You could also put in some off grid solar power: Picture a setup with enough solar capability to power a year-round Off Grid Deep Freeze as well as some LED lights when you are in there.

You can of course rent shipping container storage, but in the long term owning it is going to be cheaper. IF you have the land to put it on. (You see how this asset strategy all fits together now? 😉 )

Now you need some good, strong shelving and labeled crates, so that you can both stack ’em high and also find stuff when you need it.

In an emergency situation, the LAST thing you want is to be thinking “Where the heck is that gas mask?”, while rummaging through 100 different boxes. You’re toast! Your survival supply needs to be ORGANIZED.

What to stack:

Prioritize these:

a) Things that could absolutely save the day in an emergency (starting with the most likely emergencies!)

b) Things that you already use a lot of anyway and won’t spoil / degrade / go off. Stack ’em high!

c) Things that can get you through a month (or more) of not needing to go to the store.

d) Things that are highly likely to be difficult / impossible to obtain if SHTF. Scan through my 175 Items That Will Disappear First In A Disaster for ideas.

e) Things that you could barter (likely to be in high demand, non-perishable and easily swappable for the other things you need).

f) The tools of your own trade, plus the tools of your chosen Post Collapse Trade (learn about these and choose one, if you haven’t already!) “The best investment is in the tools of one’s own trade.” – Benjamin Franklin. Founding Father of the United States


1) Make a survival supply wish list and keep it always to hand, so that you can add things to it when you think of them.

2) Be cautious before stacking 5 years’ supply of something you have never yet needed or hardly ever use. It’s not ideal to have to throw out something you stacked a lot of, and have it turn out to have been a total waste of money, time and effort.

3) Avoid storing things that are dangerous / toxic / problematic to store and could compromise the rest of what’s in there. My first thought was gasoline – a real hassle to deal with, dangerous, possibly restricted, can degrade other things around it via fumes – and spoils after a period of time anyway.

Other Useful Stuff:

Don’t forget the obvious: Health is the most valuable asset you could possibly own. Other than that – have some hidden cash on hand, a credit card with a zero balance for emergency use only, and run through my list of 20 VITAL S.H.T.F. Items You Probably Forgot.

Final note: Privacy Is Power

Install a high quality fireproof safe in your deep storage on your private land, have it bolted down, and covered up with some scruffy old fabrics so that it just looks like ‘nothing’.

Have nobody know that it even exists and no reason to even poke around looking for anything. Have nobody know that you are stacking gold. Don’t tell me! Have nobody know that you have x worth of Bitcoin. What they don’t know exists, they cannot desire to steal. Only your accountant should know what they need to know in order to keep your affairs legal and above board, so that what’s yours is truly yours. And finally, make a will – to make sure that the right person(s) are taken care of when the time comes.

Time to level up and get prepared for the coming craziness… there isn’t a moment to waste to get this stuff on lock.

Now you’re set.

If you like this game plan, follow the channel, share big time, link to this page, etc.

If I made mistakes here or missed something important, let me know so I can fix it. Email address is at the foot of the page. A.

Final Final Note: If you made it this far and especially if you are young, congratulations and you are lucky. How much I wish I had had this knowledge when I was young. I wasted my money on so many useless things over the decades, it is truly embarrassing. But I didn’t know any better. Start now.

This Crazy Off Grid Device Literally Makes Drinkable Water From Fresh Air:

According to NASA, the U.S. is expecting a 100-YEAR LONG MEGADROUGHT.


It's already begun. Ask the farmers in California. They know.

Every survivalist knows that water is of critical importance. You NEED an independent water source that you can count on!

As an interesting "survival rehearsal" - imagine that you turned the tap on right now and nothing came out. How long would you last?

But what if there was another water source literally hidden in plain sight. That's right, I'm talking about the atmosphere!

The amazing thing about getting water from the natural moisture in the air... is that it is ALWAYS available.

This gives you real water security!

Learn more about how to tap into "Nature's secret water reservoir" and stay hydrated when TSHTF!

Watch the video:

air fountain

� What Tinnitus Does To Your Brain Cells (And How To Stop It)

After 47 years of studies and countless brain scans done on more than 2,400 tinnitus patients, scientists at the MIT Institute found that in a shocking 96% of cases, tinnitus was actually shrinking their brain cells.

As it turns out, tinnitus and brain health are strongly linked.

Even more interesting: The reason why top army officials are not deaf after decades of hearing machine guns, bombs going off and helicopter noises...

Is because they are using something called "the wire method", a simple protocol inspired by a classified surgery on deaf people from the 1950s...

Most People Don't Have The Guts To Try This:

Lost Ways Of Survival Video

An amazing discovery in an abandoned house in Austin, Texas: A lost book of amazing survival knowledge, believed to have been long vanished to history, has been found in a dusty drawer in the house which belonged to a guy named Claude Davis.

Remember... back in those days, there was no electricity... no refrigerators... no law enforcement... and certainly no grocery store or supermarkets... Some of these exceptional skills are hundreds of years of old and they were learned the hard way by the early pioneers.

>> Click here to find out about them now

We've lost to history so much survival knowledge that we've become clueless compared to what our great grandfathers did or built on a daily basis to sustain their families.

Neighbors said that for the last couple of years Claude has tried to unearth and learn the forgotten ways of our great-grandparents and claimed to have found a secret of gargantuan proportions. A secret that he is about to reveal together with 3 old teachings that will change everything you think you know about preparedness:

>> Click Here To Watch The Video <<

What REALLY Happens When You Bury a Shipping Container? (Hint: It's A Bit Crazy...)

Shipping containers are all the rage - but if you are thinking about buying one, you MUST watch this video first:

shipping container video

Do not, I repeat do NOT do what these lunatics did! Can you spot the "fatal mistake" they made?

There's a general belief that if you bury a shipping container you can create an awesome root cellar / storm shelter / survival bunker.

But is a shipping container strong enough to handle the pressure?

Watch the video to see what happens:

What Really Happens When You Bury a Shipping Container? (Click To Watch Video)

I Can't Help Showing This Off:

If you haven't heard of Claude Davis yet do yourself a huge favor and watch this video.

One of the smartest guys I ever had the pleasure of meeting, Claude set-up a unique prepping system that changed his life forever.

I already tried it myself and let me tell... you I was completely blown away... His surprising tactics could make your life easier and give you the peace of mind you deserve.

lost ways

Don't just take my word for it... watch his short video and decide for yourself.

>> Click Here To Watch The Video <<

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